lantern with SEO smoke from Columbus website design and SEO agency Sevell

You have an awesome website, and you want it to show up on page 1 of Google. Now!

Unfortunately, just wanting it to happen isn't much of a strategy. Nor is wishful thinking. Like anything worthwhile in life, getting where you want to be takes time and commitment. Showing up well in search engines requires to same effort.

Every client we've ever worked with wants their website to show up on page one of Google for their keywords. And every time, we try to manage their expectations for what it takes for that to happen. The thing we tell them is most important, is regularly adding good content to your website. How often is "regularly"? The simple answer? "More often than your competition."

Because if you can offer really informative content that people want to read, they'll spend time on your website. And they'll know you're an expert in your industry.

Time people spend on your website is a huge ranking factor.

It's called "Dwell time," and Google's algorithms understand if someone is spending 2, 3 or 4 minutes on your site, instead of say, 20 or 30 seconds, then your site must have information that people like. And if people like your site, Google will ranks your websites higher. That's why it's critical to take the time to write informative content. It is, simply, one of the most important things you can do to get your website to rank well.

Think about what keeps YOU on a website when you're searching for information, or trying to make a decision about a company, product or topic. Good, interesting, in-depth, helpful content.

pushpins in calendar by Columbus website design and SEO Agency SevellWriting for your website: if you don't have the time, get someone else to do it.

If you want to show up on page one of Google, writing for your website is too important NOT to give it your full attention. If you're already doing 100 things, adding "blog writing" to your list doesn't seem like it will move to the top of your list of "Important Things To Do." Especially if you don't have the inclination and enthusiasm to write in the first place.

So if you don't have the time, hire someone to write for you.

Isn't this true of everything we do in life, from walking our dogs, to watching our kids?

Even though, in theory, you know more about your business and industry than others, if you don't have the time to write in-depth articles about it, let someone else do it. It's not as if they can't learn  about your business and industry. Algorithms are written to believe that writing content that educates and informs about a subject can't be done in 300 words. It's documented that longer articles are better received and shared more often than short articles.

Writing for the web isn't like writing for print.

We outlined why it might not be the best idea for you to write your own content.  Briefly, it's because there's more to it than writing for print, such as: 

Why just saying what you do isn't enough.

Just because we're a Columbus website design firm, and we say it on our website, doesn't mean we'll show up in Google's search results for that phrase. That's because LOTS of other Columbus website design firms say it, too.

If 100 website design firms say they're a Columbus website designers, why should our website show up in Google over theirs? The simple answer is: it shouldn't. Not unless we also offer educational content about website design (and SEO) that people want to read. And if what we have to say is important to people, it will be important to Google.

Again, because the more time people spend on your website, the better Google ranks it.

Why listing cities you work in doesn't make you show up in searches in those cities.

Similarly, if you list cities you've done (or would like to do) work in, on your website, don't expect to show up in a Google search for your keywords in those cities. Why? Because just listing a keyword (or city) once or twice in your website, isn't enough of a reference for Google's algorithms to connect you to those keywords.

This is especially true when other companies, who do what you do in those other cities, write lengthy blog posts about what they do, using their city's name. Remember: Google wants to rank websites people like, meaning websites people spend time on. If you're not offering information of interest to people in your (or other) cities, there's no incentive for Google to rank your website well, whether that's in your city, or any other.

Don't just wish for good SEO. Plan for it and you'll find, with the right amount of time and effort, you'll start to show up well in Google's search results.