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What’s happening in the world of design, technology and other cool stuff
  • photo showing web stats for website

    How to read your website's stats: Part 1

    Most marketing folks don't check Google Analytics very often to gauge how well their website is performing. Nor do they check how well that performance compares to previous months, quarters or year. Even if they do check Google Analytics, they might not come away with the right interpretation. It depends how well of an understanding they have of Google Analytics. If you want to present your peers...

  • SEO & Web Design interacting

    How SEO & web design work together

    Most folks don't realize that SEO & web design should go together like, well, let's say mac and cheese. You can invest a lot of money into a website, but if you don't also invest in SEO, your audience might not find your site so easily. When it comes time to design (or redesign) your company's website, choose a web design company that also understands SEO.  Good web design IS good SEO As yo...

  • Dog wearing food rescue columbus t-shirt

    What we're doing with Food Rescue US/Columbus

    Say hello to Paxil, the home (and office) dog, shown here sporting a Food Rescue Columbus t-shirt during one of the weekly events. Every week, for 2-3 days  a week, we've been volunteering for an organization called Food Rescue Columbus. Since the summer of 2019, we've been helping them take food that would ordinarily be thrown away, find its way to food pantries and community centers throughout...
